Agriculture by vocation

Oriano nel 1980

The story of Funghi Valentina starts over 32 years ago, as the brainchild of Oriano Borghi, who today is 50, who started off as a boy with a vision, a passion for the place he grew up in and spent his youth, with all its colours and flavours, the desire to live it and innovate it, but with “wisdom” and respect for the land, which contributed to the evolution and transformation.

Like all stories of company longevity there is a family, a lot of hard work, perseverance, capability, a strong belief and the will never to give up.
The passion for the Bologna lowlands came from a childhood of fishing for frogs, playing amongst bales of hay and endless fields of wheat, amid colourful landscapes from the changing of the seasons, from the growing of the plants with their mature perfumed fruits, and sunsets with the round sun swallowed up by the earth, from summer nights of harvesting and from the morning dew (galavèrna in Bolognese dialect).
A fertile land, well-suited to agriculture, this is where he wanted to start from, with tan idea that would allow him to stay in that area, living the whole year round by agriculture, with the complicity of modern technology. In love with these places, the founder wanted to build his life, with the genial intuition of trying to find a system to defend the fruits of his hard work: from attacks by insects, from the harshness of the hail, from the severity of drought. The idea: to grow the crop in a greenhouse, safe, intensive, in a continuous cycle, and mushroom growing, which had just arrived in Italy, at the end of the 1970s. In 1980 Funghi Valentina was born, dedicated to the young daughter.

Valentina Oggi